Wednesday, October 29, 2008

На родине вокалиста Nirvana Курта Кобейна - Абердине

     Когда все увлекались группой Nirvana, мне было совершенно фиолетово. Потому в моем переезде в Сиэтл нет ничего фанатского. А ведь сколько людей сюда едут за запахом гранжа по утрам!
    Адептам Нирваны, ещё, вероятно, знакомо название города Абердина, откуда родом Курт и Крис. Мы на днях были там проездом. Маленький(чуть больше Красной Площади в Москве)
городок лесорубов. На подьезде к городу - вырубленные рощи, сразу за ними - деревообрабатывающая фабрика, памятник лесорубщику, мощный молл, двухэтажные кварталы.
    Главным событием города была жизнь в нём Курта Кобейна.
    Путешественников встречает знак: 

Добро пожаловать в Абердин. Приходи, какой есть.

Методисткая церковь города не отстаёт. И предлагает того же.

Бодрые сотрудники справочного бюро Абердина на перебой предлагали нам places of interest. Дома, в которых Кобейн жил; школу, в которую ходил; магазин, где ему купили первую гитару; мост, под которым ночевал подростком.

Под катом карта, фотографии и рассказ. Курт Кобейн в Абердине.

Waliking tour of Kurt Cobain's Aberdeen.
Born to Donald and Wendy Cobain on February 20th, 1967 at Grays Harbor Community Hospital, Kurt Donald Cobain's first home was at 2830-1/2 Aberdeen Avenue in Hoquiam. Cobain's father worked at Derrell Thompson's Chevron Station at 726 Simpson Avenue in Hoquiam while his mother stayed at home with the newborn.

The following year the family moved to 1210 E. First Street in Aberdeen(1), where Cobain would spend his early childhood, and enrolled at nearby Robert Gray Elementary School in 1972. When his parents divorced in 1976, Cobain moved with his father to nearby Montesano where the boy attended Beacon Elementary School. In 1981 for his fourteenth birthday, Cobain's uncle bought him a cheap electric guitar from Rosevear's Music Center at 211 E. Wishkah Street in Aberdeen.

During his sophomore year, Cobain moved back to Aberdeen and enrolled at Weatherwax High School. He lived with his mother in the old family house; a mere two blocks from the legendary Young Street Bridge rising above the muddy banks of the Wishkah River. Whether Cobain ever slept under this bridge as he claimed is not certain, however, he did spend time beneath the south approach, as did many of the neighborhood kids. His schooling in Aberdeen continued in a series of fits and starts before he dropped out permanently
. In the spring of 1984,
Cobain also moved out of his mother's house. He found himself homeless and sometimes slept in a cardboard box on Crover's porch in Aberdeen or in the waiting room at Grays Harbor Community Hospital. Cobain worked at the Lamplighter Restaurant in Grayland, on the south beach of the ocean, for a time and later as a janitor at Weatherwax High School - earning enough to rent an apartment in June 1985 at 404 N. Michigan Street(2) in Aberdeen.

Shortly thereafter, on July 23rd, 1985, Cobain was arrested for vandalism when he was
caught writing "Ain'T goT no how waTchamacalliT" on an alley wall of the Seafirst Bank Building at Market and Broadway. That fall, homeless again, Cobain moved into the Lamont Shillinger residence at 408 W. First Street(3) in Aberdeen. On May 18th, 1986, apparently intoxicated, Cobain was arrested for trespassing after he wandered onto the roof of an abandoned building at 618 W. Market Street.

In the mid-eighties Cobain met a lanky guitarist named Krist Novoselic who lived across the Young Street Bridge on top of Think-Of-Me Hill at 1120 Fairfield Street(4).

On September 1st, 1986 Cobain moved into the "first house" he rented alone - more a ramshackle hovel - at 1000-1/2 E. Second Street(5), and worked part-time as a maintenance man at the Polynesian Inn Resort at Ocean Shores to pay the rent. By the spring of 198
7, Cobain, Novoselic, and drummer Aaron Burckhard formed a band called the Sellouts, performing Creedence Clearwater Revival tunes at local bars. Cobain took the final steps out of Aberdeen - that May Cobain and Novoselic moved to Olympia. They dubbed the band Nirvana and, with David Grohl as drummer, introduced "grunge" to the world.

1 comment:

Baur said...

Везёт тебе, тоже хочу туда. Вот визу только мне наврятли дадут и денег нет. Ну эдак лет через 60 может приеду.